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  All attendees will receive a Final Confirmation containing important participation information upon fully completing their registration. Please refer to this email for information on where and when to collect your badge onsite. 

  Attendees with an incomplete payment or balance due are encouraged to settle their payment before arriving onsite to ensure they can benefit from the easiest onsite badge collection process. Badges will not be given and access will not be granted to anyone with a pending payment or balance due.

  Attendees must collect their badges in person. Collecting badges on behalf of a colleague is not permitted.

  Attendees under the age of 16 will not be able to enter the Industry Halls (SNIEC Halls W1-W5) without GSMA’s prior written approval. 

   Photo ID

  Photo ID check will be performed when you collect your badge. The Registration Team cannot issue any badges or allow access to the venue without photo ID (passport, national ID card or driving license with photo). 

   Fast Track Badge Collection

  Attendees with a QR code on their Final Confirmation may use Fast Track Badge Collection. Fast Track* is the quickest way to collect your badge onsite.

  In addition to your Final Confirmation email, you must bring Photo ID and a business card. If your mobile device can display the QR code clearly, you may scan it from your mobile handset. Alternatively, please print a copy of your Final Confirmation email and bring this with you.   *Not all registration types can use the Fast Track facility – please check your Final Confirmation for Badge Collection details specific to your registration type. 

   Onsite Registration

  We strongly recommend that you complete your registration before the event in order to avoid any potential delays when you arrive onsite.

  Attendees who wish to register onsite should proceed to the “Onsite Registration” desks in SNIEC Entrance Hall 2 (North) or SNIEC Entrance Hall 1 (South).

  To register for Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2017, click here. 

   Registration & Badge Collection Opening Hours

    Date SNIEC Entrance Hall 1 (South)Access to Expo SNIEC Entrance Hall 2 (North)Access to Conference and Expo   27, June 08:30-18:00 08:30-18:00   28, June 09:00-17:00 09:00-17:00   29, June 09:00-17:00 09:00-17:00   30, June 09:00-17:00 09:00-17:00   01, July 09:00-16:00 09:00-16:00    For more information on general registration enquiries or registration assistance, please visit our Registration FAQs.


   Experience Pass Wristband Collection  Experience Pass Wristband Collection & Final Confirmation

  All attendees will receive a Final Confirmation containing important participation information upon fully completing their registration. Please refer to this email for information on where and when to collect your wristband onsite. 

  Attendees under the age of 16 will be given a designated Youth Experience Pass wristband at the Venue (no pre-registration is required) and must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the Event. 

   Onsite Registration

  We strongly recommend that you complete your registration before the event in order to avoid any potential delays when you arrive onsite.

  To register for Experience Pass, please click here. 

   Registration & Wristband Collection Opening Hours

    Date SNIEC Entrance Hall 1 (South)Access to Experience Halls   27, June 08:30-18:00   28, June 09:00-17:00   29, June 09:00-17:00   30, June 09:00-17:00   01, July 09:00-16:00        $('.qa-head').on('click',function(e){ var holder = $(this).parents('.qa'); e.preventDefault(); if(holder.is('.qa-open')) { holder.removeClass('qa-open').addClass('scales'); setTimeout(function(){holder.removeClass('scales');},450); } else { holder.addClass('qa-open scales'); top_q = $(this).offset().top-72; setTimeout(function(){holder.removeClass('scales');},450); setTimeout(function(){$('html,body').animate({scrollTop:top_q},300);}, 650); } 

 .inside h2 {color: #2c2276;}.qa-faq-title{background-color: #2c2276;}.qas .faq-catname{margin:10px 0 15px;}.experience-pass{background-color: #f36b22;}          Subscribeto Emails     Press/Analysts Exhibitor Zone 中文Register & PlanRegister  Attendee Registration Passes & Prices Badge Collection & Onsite Registration 2017 Next Steps Registration FAQs           Save 10% on Passes Limited discount Claim Your 10% Pass Discount Limited-time 10% discounts are available ...

    Register.cnmenu{display:none;}.inside .post-password-form input {background-color: #ccc;}   Become a Speaker Key dates & Call for Papers        2017 Brochure Overview of the 2017 event Whether this is your first-ever Mobile World Congress Shanghai or you’...

    2017 Exhibitors   Become an Exhibitor#pwbox-13507{background-color: #c1c1c1;}        Get Involved#pwbox-13779{background-color: #ccc;} Participate at MWC Shanghai! What better event than MWC Shanghai 2017 to reach the worldwide mobile...

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