Welcome to the Mobile Asia Expo Exhibitor Zone.
Here you will find some general information to help you with your preparations for the Mobile Asia Expo 2013.
Exhibitor Manual
The Mobile Asia Expo Exhibitor Manual is the online tool created to ensure you have a smooth build up and successful show.
The 2013 Exhibitor Manual is currently under construction and is scheduled to go live by the end of January 2013. Once this is live you will be sent login and password details allowing you access to all the necessary information, products and services.
Recommended Suppliers
Should your organisation be in search of quality service providers to provide services to your internal team or your clients and partners, the GSMA is pleased to recommend organisations based on their continual excellent service.
These will be detailed in the exhibition manual that will go live by the end of January 2013. If you have any urgent queries in the meantime regarding suppliers, please feel free to contact the customer care team on [email protected]
If you would like to see the technical floorplan, please contact:
Event Floorplans Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 1283 808 002
Email: [email protected]
Please note exhibitors/contractors will NOT receive a technical floor plan via email.
Exhibitor Listing and Profiles
As an exhibitor, you are entitled to submit a 100 word entry in both Chinese and English which will then be part of the exhibitor listing on the official Mobile Asia Expo website and the official on-site Event Guide. As soon as the manual goes live, you will be able to upload your profile (and logo if applicable). You will find full instructions on this process in the manual.
We very much look forward to working with you towards a successful Mobile Asia Expo 2013.
Kind regards,
Mobile Asia Expo Customer Care
Email: [email protected]