The GSMA community is active on popular social media services! Share info and talk about Mobile Asia Expo using your favourite social network through the details below, or through the “Share” button available on each page of this site.
The GSMA is on TwitterThe GSMA team is on Twitter and we’d love to hear from you! For global updates follow @GSMA, the primary account for GSMA news and updates, including information about Mobile Asia Expo and other events. The preferred hashtag for Mobile Asia Expo 2013 is #MAE13. Please use this to reference the event, make your views known, and get the latest thoughts and comments from the Twitterverse on Mobile Asia Expo. For the latest mobile telecom news, views discussions and video content follow the Mobile World Live team @mobileworldlive. They also post ‘at-event’ news @ShowDaily. Finally, if you have a question, our customer care and marketing teams pay constantly monitor @GSMA_Care and will respond to any questions you may have. Mention @GSMA_Care in your question and we’ll endeavour to answer within 24 hours. |
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Use Linkedin to start a discussion or stay in touch with those you met at a past event. |
Hang out with the GSMA on GoogleThe GSMA has two YouTube channels – GSMA Online is the official GSMA channel and where you can find all the latest GSMA video content. Our Mobile World Live team has its very own YouTube channel called MobileWorldLive. Check out the latest videos and subscribe today! You can also follow the GSMA on Google + where we’ll be updating you with all the latest news, images and content from the show! |
Connect with MAE on WeiboFor news and interaction around Mobile Asia Expo in Chinese, visit our Sina Weibo presence and interact with thousands of followers. |